3. Changing Information Letter
Mrs. Anne
The Director
PT. Anne Boutique Indonesia
Jl. Kalimas Barat C3/V,
Jawa Tengah
October 30,
Nayna Shah
Jl. Danau Rana, Bogor
Dear Ms. Shah :
Forthcoming Price Change
The tickets
for collection of modern Kebaya Anne 5 on fashion catalog trend are
going on sale next month and we wanted you to be among the first to have it.
Thus we
inform you about the forthcoming price change. Our some collections this year
is limited model,including the modern Kebaya that you requested. So that we are
finding it necessary to raise the price
from $135 to $250.
We hope
that you will consider purchasing the tickets for next month despite this
change. The modern Kebaya Anne 5 on Fashion will be held on September
in Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan
To confirm
the prize, you may call our representative at call centre ( 024 ) 8415182.
We look
forward to having you in our audience again next month.
Zahrana Dewi