Sunday, 3 February 2019

Bussines Letter (Covering / Resume )

The example of Resume Letter


24 Pilar Street,Namlea,5671 

15th September 2016

The Director                                   
PT. Anne Boutique Indonesia
Kalimas Barat Street, B5/V, Jawa Tengah
Semarang City, 50177

Dear Mrs. Anne
The Director of PT. Anne Boutique Indonesia 
I am interested in working as marketing staff in your company. I am an economist with nearly 2 years' experience to marketing management and sales manager. I enclose my resume as a first step    in exploring the possibilities of employment with PT. Anne Boutique Indonesia.
My most recent experience was an English instructor for staff marketing. I was responsible for the overall pedagogical content, including the student course book. In addition, I developed the first  draft of the teacher's handbook.
As Marketing Staff in your company, I would bring a focus on quality and effectiveness to your marketing management. Furthermore, I work well with others, and I am experienced in course planning.
I would appreciate your keeping this enquiry confidential. I will call you in a few days to arrange    an interview at a time convenient to you. Thank you for your consideration.


Naina Shah
