Sunday, 3 February 2019

Bussines Letter (Request/Sending Letter)

1. Requesting Information Letter 

Mrs. Anne
The Director
PT. Anne Boutique Indonesia
Jl. Kalimas Barat C3/V
Jawa Tengah

September 24, 2018 
Nayna Shah
 jl.Danau Rana, Bogor
Sub: Requesting information on Sekarayu Kebaya collections 
Dear Mrs. Anna,
I am writing to enquire about your new collection of Kebaya that your recently launched in Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan by theme Sekarayu. I have been your customer for the past six years and always trust the quality of your products. They indeed are effective too. I am keen to buy two of the collections of yours, so I would request if you could send me detailed information regarding this collection. I am sure this would also be equally effective, but just want to reassure regarding the same.
I hope you will consider my request and send me catalogue regarding the collections.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Nayna Shah

2. Sending Information Letter 

PT. Anne Boutique Indonesia
Jl. Kalimas Barat C3/V
Jawa Tengah

15 October, 2018 
Ms Nayna Shah          
Jl.Danau Rana,Bogor 
Dear Ms. Shah 
Sub: Requesting information on Sekarayu Kebaya collections 
Thank you for your letter of September 24, 2018 enquiring about our new collections on Sekarayu Kebaya. 
This collections offer a full of variety of kebaya collections. To make easier, you can find  our services via our official web sites to help you find more models. I have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue regarding the collections and price list from which you can see that our prices listed. 
I look forward to calling you in a few days.
Yours sincerely
Zahrana dewi  

Sales Manager
