Qualitative Journal
Qualitative Journal is a kind of research which mostly explore in depth
research. This is because of this research, generalize the problem naturally
without any intervention to the subject or the condition happens. In this case,
this research has some stages in writing based on the international journal template
that will be presented below. The writer analyze one of the international
journal entitled “A Concern Towards The Society and Internalization of Academic
Ethics for Primary Education Students: Perspective of Lecturers’ Role”. The contains
of each stage is delivered below.
The title of this journal is “A Concern Towards The
Society and Internalization of Academic Ethics for Primary Education Students:
Perspective of Lecturers’ Role”. This title has focused on the perspective of
lecturers’ role in academic ethics for primary education students.
There are three writers in this research. They are
Mohammad Syarif Sumantri, Henti Sulistiowati, and Nurhartati Fuad.
The writers come from primary education faculty in State
Jakarta University, Indonesia.
In abstract stage, the write explain about the whole objective
of this research is to find out about the conduct of the Master’s program in
primary education which is as a revision of the curriculum that emphasizes on
learning outcomes which the students have academic and ethical social awareness.
Their research use qualitative approach that the evaluation program as their
research design. The instruments are interview and observation guidelines. The data
use qualitative analysis as well. Then the result is the idea and purpose of
implementing the program to strengthen social awareness in the community and
academic ethics of the master of primary education in relation to the role of
lecturers is support for the revitalization of the curriculum primary education
of the masters program.
The keywords are social awareness,
internalization, academic ethics, lecturers’ role.
In this stage, the writers describe about students
awareness to society in various actions. So that the students need to optimize
the role of academia through a variety of actions in accordance with the
capacity and capability that is owned in the face of various social problems
that exist in the environmental community. Academic ethics contains the
universal values that are associated with honesty, openness, objectivity,
respect each other and do not apply discriminatory. In line with this, the
lecturer is an instrumental to developing academic ethics of collage students
in various educational activities on campus.
Based on the explanation above, the research only focus on the students’
concern to society and the internalization of ethical academic students of
primary education in terms of the role of the lecturer.
The method of this research is a research method
evaluation of program curriculum using illuminative model or as the conceptual
framework. Illuminative model more emphasis on qualitative evaluation of open
(open-ended). There are three stages, such as; the stage of observation on the
programs and the people that exist in it , the second is the process of
narrowing and focus, and final stage is looking for a general principle
underlying the programme are being carried out.
Results and
The result of this study shows that the lecturers, are
very supportive to carry out writing training programs from the beginning as a
means to familiarize academic ethics and for the social care needs to involve since
the beginning of the semester in service activities. Most students (75%) argued
that the idea of a scientific paper writing training program arose because of
concerns about the prevalence of plagiarism, although some teachers (25%)
disagreed with the above.
Based on this research, it will be concluded that The first,
the professors agree that the basic education mater’s degree program’s curriculum
needs to be done to revitalize particular more emphasis on developing students
in raising awareness of the community by engaging early on in a variety of the
activities of the public service and received an award in the form of a
certificate of point. The second, based on the findings showed that the role
lecturer should be able to give the model and guide against the ethics of the
academic activities through modeling and gave tribute to the students who
behave according to academic ethics, for example lecturers accustome checking out
the writings of the students through the plagiarism program.