One morning, long
ago, a merchant of Miletus was walking along the seashore. Some fishermen were
pulling in a large net, and he stopped to watch them.
"My good
men," he said, "how many fish do you expect to draw in this
"We cannot
tell," they answered. "We never count our fish before they are
The net seemed
heavy. There was certainly something in it. The merchant felt sure that the
fishermen were having a good haul.
"How much
will you take for the fish that you are drawing in?" he asked.
"How much
will you give?" said the fishermen.
"Well, I will
give three pieces of silver for all that are in the net," answered the
The fishermen
talked in low tones with one another for a little while, and then one said,
"It's a bargain. Be they many or few, you may have all for three pieces of
In a few minutes
the big net was pulled up out of the water. There was not a fish in it. But it
held a beautiful golden tripod that was worth more than a thousand fishes.
The merchant was
delighted. "Here is your money," he said. "Give me the
indeed," said the fishermen. "You were to have all the fish that
happened to be in the net and nothing else. We didn't sell you the
They began to
quarrel. They talked and wrangled a long time and could not agree. Then one of
the fishermen said, "Let us ask the governor about it and do as he shall
bid us."
"Yes, let us
ask the governor," said the merchant. "Let him decide the matter for
So they carried
the tripod to the governor, and each told his story.
The governor
listened, but could not make up his mind as to who was right. "This is a
very important question," he said. "We must send to Delphi and ask
the oracle whether the tripod shall be given to the fishermen or to the
merchant. Leave the tripod in my care until we get an answer."
Now the oracle at
Delphi was supposed to be very wise. People from all parts of the world sent to
it, to tell it their troubles and get its advice.
So the governor
sent a messenger to Delphi to ask the oracle what should be done with the
tripod. The merchant and the fishermen waited impatiently till the answer came.
And this is what the oracle said:—
"Give not the
merchant nor the fishermen the prize; But give it to that one who is wisest of
the wise."
The governor was much pleased with this
"The prize
shall go to the man who deserves it most," he said. "There is our
neighbor, Thales, whom everybody knows and loves. He is famous all over the
world. Men come from every country to see him and learn from him. We will give
the prize to him."
So, with his own
hands he carried the golden tripod to the little house where Thales lived. He
knocked at the door and the wise man himself opened it.
Then the governor
told him how the tripod had been found, and how the oracle had said that it
must be given to the wisest of the wise.
"And so I
have brought the prize to you, friend Thales."
"To me!"
said the astonished Thales. "Why, there are many men who are wiser than I.
There is my friend Bias [Footnote: Bi'as] of Priene. [Footnote: Prie'ne] He
excels all other men. Send the beautiful gift to him."
So the governor
called two of his trusted officers and told them to carry the tripod to Priene
and offer it to Bias.
"Tell the
wise man why you bring it, and repeat to him the words of the oracle."
Now all the world
had heard of the wisdom of Bias. He taught that men ought to be kind even to
their enemies. He taught, also, that a friend is the greatest blessing that any
one can have.
He was a poor man
and had no wish to be rich. "It is better to be wise than wealthy,"
he said.
When the
governor's messengers came to Priene with the tripod, they found Bias at work
in his garden. They told him their errand and showed him the beautiful prize.
He would not take
"The oracle
did not intend that I should have it," he said. "I am not the wisest
of the wise."
"But what
shall we do with it?" said the messengers. "Where shall we find the
wisest man?"
Mitylene," [Footnote: Mit y l e'ne.] answered Bias, "there is a very
great man named Pittacus. [Footnote: Pit'ta ous.] He might now be the king of
his country, but he prefers to give all of his time to the study of wisdom. He
is the man whom the oracle meant."
The name of
Pittacus was known all over the world. He was a brave soldier and a wise
teacher. The people of his country had made him their king; but as soon as he
had made good laws for them he gave up his crown.
One of his mottoes
was this: "Whatever you do, do it well."
The messengers
found him in his house talking to his friends and teaching them wisdom. He
looked at the tripod. "How beautiful it is!" he said.
Then the
messengers told him how it had been taken from the sea, and they repeated the
words of the oracle:—
"Give not the
merchant nor the fishermen the prize; But give it to that one who is wisest of
the wise."
"It is
well," said he, "that neither a merchant nor a fisherman shall have
it; for such men think only of their business and care really nothing for
"We agree
with you," said the messengers; "and we present the prize to you
because you are the wisest of the wise."
"You are
mistaken," answered Pittacus. "I should be delighted to own so
beautiful a piece of workmanship, but I know I am not worthy."
"Then to whom
shall we take it?" asked the messengers.
"Take it to
Cleobulus, [Footnote: Cle o bu'lus.] King of Rhodes, [Footnote: Rhodes (pro.
rodes).]" answered the wise man. "He is the handsomest and strongest
of men, and I believe he is the wisest also."
The messengers
went on until they came at last to the island of Rhodes. There everybody was
talking about King Cleobulus and his wonderful wisdom. He had studied in all
the great schools of the world, and there was nothing that he did not know.
"Educate the
children," he said; and for that reason his name is remembered to this
When the
messengers showed him the tripod, he said, "That is indeed a beautiful
piece of work. Will you sell it? What is the price?"
They told him that
it was not for sale, but that it was to be given to the wisest of the wise.
"Well, you
will not find that man in Rhodes," said he. "He lives in
[Footnote: Cor'inth.] and his name is Periander. [Footnote:
Per i an'der.]
Carry the precious gift to him."
Everybody had
heard of Periander, king of Corinth. Some had heard of his great learning, and
others had heard of his selfishness and cruelty.
Strangers admired
him for his wisdom. His own people despised him for his wickedness.
When he heard that
some men had come to Corinth with a very costly golden tripod, he had them
brought before him.
"I have heard
all about that tripod," he said, "and I know why you are carrying it
from one place to another. Do you expect to find any man in Corinth who
deserves so rich a gift?"
"We hope that
you are the man," said the messengers.
"Ha! ha I"
laughed Periander. "Do I look like the wisest of the wise? No, indeed. But
in Lacedaemon [Footnote: Lacedaemon (pro. las e de'mon).] there is a good and
noble man named Chilon.[Footnote: Chilon (pro. ki'lon).] He loves his country,
he loves his fellow men, he loves learning. To my mind he deserves the golden
prize. I bid you carry it to him."
The messengers
were surprised. They had never heard of Chilon, for his name was hardly known
outside of his own country. But when they came into Lacedaemon, they heard his
praises on every side.
They learned that
Chilon was a very quiet man, that he never spoke about himself, and that he
spent all his time in trying to make his country great and strong and happy.
Chilon was so busy
that the messengers had to wait several days before they could see him. At last
they were allowed to go before him and state their business.
"We have here
a very beautiful tripod," they said. "The oracle at Delphi has
ordered that it shall be given to the wisest of wise men, and for that reason
we have brought it to you."
"You have
made a mistake," said Chilon. "Over in Athens [Footnote: Ath'ens.]
there is a very wise man whose name is Solon. [Footnote: So'lon.] He is a poet,
a soldier, and a lawmaker. He is my worst enemy, and yet I admire him as the
wisest man in the world. It is to him that you should have taken the
The messengers
made due haste to carry the golden prize to Athens. They had no trouble in
finding Solon. He was the chief ruler of that great city.
All the people
whom they saw spoke in praise of his wisdom.
When they told him
their errand he was silent for a little while; then he said:—
"I have never
thought of myself as a wise man, and therefore the prize is not for me. But I
know of at least six men who are famous for their wisdom, and one of them must
be the wisest of the wise."
"Who are
they?" asked the messengers.
"Their names
are Thales, Bias, Pittacus, Cleobulus, Periander, and
answered Solon.
"We have
offered the prize to each one of them," said the messengers, "and
each one has refused it."
"Then there
is only one other thing to be done," said Solon. "Carry it to Delphi
and leave it there in the Temple of Apollo; for Apollo is the fountain of
wisdom, the wisest of the wise."
And this the
messengers did.
The famous men of
whom I have told you in this story are commonly called the Seven Wise Men of
Greece. They lived more than two thousand years ago, and each one helped to
make his country famous.