Subject : English
Lesson : News Item
Class : XII
- Teacher opens the class by praying.
- Teacher begins the lesson by asking some questions related to the lesson.
- Teacher shows a short video about the lessson.
- Students are asking some questions.
- Teacher answers the question.
- The teacher shows the definition and generic structure about News Item.
- The students write down the leson briefly.
- The teacher gives other example about News Item.
- The teacher divides the sticky-notes to write their thoughts.
- The teacher gets the students write their own sentences based on the topic given by their friend.
- Each student from the first till the end mention their sentences.
- Each students try to correct their friends' sentences.
- The teacher gets the students to re-write their writing on sticky notes.
- the teacher reviews the lesson that is being taught.
- the students mention the generic structure about the news item.
- the teacher gives the conclussion to this lesson.
- the teacher closes the meeting by praying and saying good bye to the next meeting.
Media : Sticky notes, LCD, K13 Teachers' book, and video.