Vocabulary is central to english
language teaching. Everybody needs it to express their own idea and manage
communication. It is also significant for them to develop greater fluency and
expression in English. on the other hand,sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others
or express the ideas. Wilkins (1972) wrote
that “. . . while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without
vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (pp. 111–112). vocabulary also has a
very important role as (Mc Carthy,1990:66) says : “It seems self evident that
the most frequent words in any language will be the most useful ones for
learners of that language, and therefore the best to start off with, in order
to give the learner a basic set of skills for communication. It is said that
vocabulary is used by people as the basic knowledge of learning a language in
order to make communication and interaction among them in their daily life.
There are several types of
vocabulary are divided into Brick and Mortan (2003: 22):
a. Brick words are the vocabulary specific to the content
and concepts.It was found in glossaries and in bold face print in the content
area text books.
b. Mortar words and phrases are the general utility
vocabulary required for constructing sentences and paragraphs to engage in
discussions using academic English. Mortar
words and phrases help to connect language togetther and are essential to
its comprehension. Mortarterms include:
1) Connecting words are be represents, for examples, however
and whereas
2) Prepositions and prepositional phrases are on, in, under,
3) Academic vocabulary typically found in content area
objectives, test,questions, and assignment are analyze, plan, compare, evaluate.
Three significant
aspects to be aware of and focus on are form,
meaning, and use. According to Nation (2001), the form of a word involves its pronunciation (spoken form), spelling
(written form), and any word parts that make up this particular item (such as a
prefix, root, and suffix).An example for word parts can been seen with the word
where the prefix un- means negative or opposite, communicate
is the root word, and -ive is a suffix denoting that someone or something is
able to do something. Here, they all go together to refer to someone or
something that is not able to communicate, hence uncommunicative.
Nation (2001) stated that meaning
encompasses the way that form and meaning work together, in other words,
the concept and what items it refers to, and the associations that come to mind
when people think about a specific word or expression. For example, what is the
meaning of this word ?
Use, Nation noted, involves the
grammatical functions of the word or phrase, collocations that normally go with
it, and finally any constraints on its use, in terms of frequency, level, and
so forth. For form, meaning, and use, Nation(2001) declared there is
both a receptive and productive dimension, so knowing these three aspects for
each word or phrase actually involves18 different types of lexical knowledge,
as summarized in Table 1.
1. What Is Involved in Knowing a Word
What does the word sound like?
How is the word pronounced?
What does the word look like?
How is the word written and spelled?
word parts
What parts are recognizable in
this word?
What word parts are needed to
express the meaning?
form and meaning
What meaning does this word form
What word form can be used to express
this meaning?
concepts and referents
What is included in this
What items can the concept
refer to?
What other words does this make
people think of?
What other words could people use
instead of this one?
grammatical functions
In what patterns does the word
In what patterns must people
use this word?
What words or types of words occur
with this one?
What words or types of words must
people use with this one?
constraints on use (register,
frequency . . .)
Where, when, and how often
would people expect to meet this word?
Where, when, and how often can
people use this word?
Source: Adapted from Nation (2001, p.
English vocabulary
is complex, with three main aspects related to form,meaning, and use, as well
as layers of meaning connected to the roots of individual words (Nation &Meara,
2010).So,vocabulary is more than just single words. As shown above,types of
vocabulary and its aspects needed to acquire more productive vacabulary
knowledge in learning strategies.
Sources : -
- Sonita,
Prawita Sari The Effectiveness Of vocabulary...,Ump. 2016