Saturday, 23 February 2019

Procedure Text's Lesson Plan


School                         : SMAN 4 Kediri 
Grade / Semester       : X / II
Academic Year          : 2017
Subject                       : English
Text Type                   : Procedure Text (THE WHITE HOUSE)
Skill                             : listening
Time Allocation         : 90 minutes

    1.      Standard Competency
   The Students are able to comprehend in oral text functional and short simple monolog in form of   procedure text about  an information particular place and a historical building.

   2.    Basic Competency
4    The students are able to respond the meaning in short monolog simple accurately, fluently, and      acceptable for interaction in real life context in form descriptive.

   3.   Purpose of Study

·      The students are able to analyze what the monolog text about  .
·      The students are able to answer the question well
·      The students are able to  deliver descriptive text in front of the class.

     4.     Learning Activity

     1.       Pre-Activity
          -Praying together
       Greeting students and checking the              attendance’s list.

     -Preparing the media

      (Giving some question about the Descriptive text in daily life)

     -The Students given the objective of instruction, standard competency and basic competency as well as benefit of learning the material.

In this chapter we are going to learn how to communicate using descriptive text. In daily life it’s very common to describe something or listen or read people describing something.  Can anyone give example the use of description in our daily life?
5 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes
     2.       Whilst

     -  Before starting , Making a small group consists of to 4 persons to discuss the text about.

     -Students count the number 1-4 then, take a seat consist the number they get.     

     -Each group prepare a piece of paper to answer the question of the text after listening the monolog.


-Listen the monolog  description text about “WHITE HOUSE” .

-read the question carefully then answer based on the number, compare your answer to your classmate’s sitting next to you.

60 minutes

3. Post Activity

-           Discuss the answer  and find some difficult vocabularies.

-           Pronunciation Practice.
     (the students repeat the some words)

-          Closing
Praying together

- please discuss your answer based on your group. Then, make list some difficult vocabularies.

-Listen to me and repeat after me carefully.

10 minutes

5 minutes

5. Source/ Media of learning:
a.       Source       :
1) Internet
      TEXT =
MP3 =

2) Book
Teacher’s guide book k13 revisi 2017
Recording MP3 “The White House’’
Listening Section
Direction : in this part of the test you will hear Short monologue. then You have to write the best answer to each question on your answer sheet.  Here we go
This is a 3:35 excerpt from AMERICAN MOSAIC, May 7, 2009.
The White House was the largest house in the country until after the Civil War in the 1860s. The White House has one hundred 32 rooms, including 16 family and guest rooms, 35 bathrooms and three kitchens. There are six levels. The first level has many famous rooms. For example, the West Wing of the White House includes the Oval Office.
This is where the president works and meets with his advisers. The president receives guests in the Blue Room. And the State Dining Room can hold 140 people for official dinners in honor of foreign leaders.
The second and third floors are the family's private areas. When it is cold outside, the president and his family can warm up near one of the White House's 28 fireplaces. And when it is hot outside, they can swim in the outdoor pool.
The White House offers lot of things to do for entertainment. The first family can watch a movie in the small theater, play ping-pong in the family game room or bowl in the small bowling alley. Former President Richard Nixon had the bowling alley built in nineteen sixty-nine. The White House's newest occupant, Barack Obama, is not much of a bowler. But he is a big fan of basketball. He has already been seen shooting hoops on the basketball court outside. President Obama is said to be considering replacing the bowling alley with an indoor basketball court.
The Obama family recently added an outdoor playground for their two young daughters. It has a swing set, a climbing section, a slide and a tire for swinging. The Obamas can also play tennis on a court on the South Lawn, hit a few golf balls on the putting greens or run around the jogging track.
The White House has been home to forty-three presidents. America's first president, George Washington supervised the building process which began in 1792. But he never lived there. John and Abigail Adams became the building's first family in 1800. Since then, the White House has experienced many changes. And each presidential family has left its own historical mark on America's most famous house.

     1.      How many rooms are in the white house?
A : The White House has one hundred 32 rooms, including 16 family and guest rooms, 35 bathrooms and three kitchens.
     2.   Where are the family’s private areas?
A : The second and third floors are the family's private areas
     3.   Who had the bowling alley in nineteen sixty-nine?
A : President Richard Nixon
     4.    How many presidents had lived in the white house?
A : The White House has been home to forty-three presidents.
     5.  When did john and Abigail Adams become the building’s first family?
A : John and Abigail Adams became the building's first family in 1800
     6.   Who was the first president of America ?
A : George Washington


Listen to your teacher reading these words. Repeat after him/her.

Fireplaces        : / faɪərˌpleɪsəz /
Alley                : / ˈæli /
Theater             : / ˈθiətər /
Hoops               : / hu:p /
Occupant          : / ˈɑkjəpənt /
Court                : / kɔrt /
Considering     : / kənˈsɪdərɪŋ /
Replacing        : / rɪˈpleɪsɪŋ /
Presidential     : / ˌprɛzəˈdɛnʧəl /
Historical        : /  hɪˈstɔrɪkəl /
