The power of introverts
What really makes people who they are?
Personality is defined as “the
combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s unique
character.” Usually when we talk about someone's personality, we are talking
about what makes that person different from other people, perhaps even unique.
This aspect of personality is called individual differences.
since the early 1970s, when the idea was first made
popular by psychologist Dr. Carl Jung. Personality can’t be seen or touched and
yet significantly affects how people feel and experience their lives. It is
highly correlated to learning and productivity
Two major personality types are
extroverts and introverts. These types are known to have
unique ways of feeling re-energized and motivated. They each have
characteristic ways of interacting with the world and processing information.
Researchers estimate extroverts
make up 50 - 74 percent of the population. Extroverts focus on their
external environment, the people and activities
around them. Extroverts thrive in active, fast-paced jobs, such as politics, teaching and sales, where
quick decisions are commonplace (the quicker the better),. Extroverts learn by
doing and enjoy talking through ideas and problems. Multi-tasking comes easily
to them. Two examples of famous extroverts are Oprah and current U.S.
President, Barack Obama.
The other 16 - 50 percent of the population consists
of introverts, who get their energy from having “alone time.” Careers promoting
introvert’s strength include scientists(Albert Einstein), writers(J.K. Rowling)
and artists(Emma Watson), the Microsoft co-founder and chairman(Bill Gates) they have something in common, are self-proclaimed
introverts. Introverts enjoy spending time alone or in small groups of people,
but may get overwhelmed in new situations or in large groups of people. They
prefer to focus on one task at a time and observe a situation before jumping
in.introverts also pay attention to the processes that deliver results- they
think carefully and consider the broader impact and long-term effects.
Check out these six quality traits of
introverts that you didn’t even know you have. The power of introverts :
1. Introverts
are good listeners.
this is one of their superpowers. They
love to listen and advice when you are looking for their support.
2. Introverts are self-sufficient.
Introverts are not dependent people. The
introverts always take care of themselves. They prefer to blend in with
whatever crowd they happend to find themselves in.
3. Introverts
are super focused.
Introverts concentrate with everything they’ve
got. They make a point of paying attention to nonverbal cues that might reveal
hidden meanings, because they know words are only half of the story. This
ability helps them avoid potential misunderstandings.
4. Introverts
are trustworthy people.
Introverts can keep secrets. They know
how hard it can be to trust somebody, so they won’t share a personal detail if
you don’t want them to. This is exactly why introverts are excellent best
5. Introverts
are good at studying.
Introverts believe knowledge is power.
They are intensely interested in the things that they care about and want to
learn everything they can. This eagerness helps them become experts in their
6. Introverts
are committed to their goals.
Introverts tend to be driven and
disciplined. They don’t need approval from external sources, so they direct
their energy to the pursuit of an ambitious goal instead. This ambition often
turns introverts into highly successful people.
Finally, introverts are amazing people with
rich hidden depths. give introverts the personal space they need and be
comfortable with being silent with them sometimes. They will appreciate you for
not being pushy on them to get a lot of their attention.